Asbestos is available in many commercial uses and is classified into two groups, Serpentine and Amphibole. For Serpentine group, chrysotile is the form of asbestos that has been used commercially. It is usually present including but not limited to the following materials:
- sheetrock taping
- mud and texture coats
- vinyl floor tiles, sheeting, adhesives and ceiling tiles
- plasters and stuccos
- roofing tars, felts, siding, and shingles
- "transite" panels, siding, countertops, and pipes
- acoustical ceilings
- fireproofing
- putty
- caulk
- gaskets
- brake pads and shoes
- clutch plates
- stage curtains
- fire blankets
- Low density insulation board and ceiling tiles
- asbestos-cement sheets and pipes for construction, casing for water and electrical/telecommunication services
- thermal and chemical insulation (i.e., fire rated doors, limpet spray, lagging and gaskets)
Since I was conceived during the 1980s, I became worried because during my growing up years, I remember our house went through a lot of renovations and makeovers. This renovations and makeovers involved cement which during those times may or may not contain asbestos. The scariest part about this disease is that it has no known cure yet and after diagnosis, the median survival time of patients who had this disease is between 6 to 12 months. However, there are ways to alleviate the person's suffering like surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, etc. and according to statistics, these may add up to 5 years of patient's survival time.
I really hope I am just being paranoid. Last time I checked (through employment medical examination), my lungs are nothing like the picture above. My fingers are crossed and hope they remain the same for the next 20 or so years. Now, if yours resembles the x-ray picture above, be very worried and visit your nearest doctor for a check-up.
Source: Wikipedia